High-Quality Backlinks Affect Domain Authority

Beginners or new entrants in the world of SEO often ask, how do high-quality backlinks affect domain authority or Google Rank? The answer is there are several aspects related to your website that define it. Amongst them, is your website’s authority and reliability.  If your website is not as reliable as the others, your Google ranking will definitely suffer. Google does it by testing other websites that are both related or linking to your site.

The problem is that while people know that high-quality backlinks affect Google Ranking and domain authority, they do not know how to cautiously use it. If you are willing to put in some time and effort, earning high-quality backlinks should not be a problem. Let us discuss the influence of high-quality backlinks on your ranking and domain authority along with what you can do to earn them. 

Number of Linking Domains

If you wish to rank your website amongst the top websites on Google, you must understand Google’s algorithm. It works by checking the number of domains that link to your website. The more number of domains linking, the more authoritative your website will appear to Google. As a result, your website will climb the rankings and even remain at the top, if the number of domains linking keeps on increasing. 

Backlink Anchor Text

Another way of Google considering your website is the anchor text that is linked to your site. Anchor text basically tells and helps Google understand what your website is about. Furthermore, it provides an accurate description of your page to Google. Your target keywords upon appearing in backlink anchor text will help improve your site’s ranking for that particular keyword. Anchor text by providing Google a quick review of your page, helps it improve the rankings. 

Alternate Text

Alternate text or Alt-image is your image description that helps search engines to understand in words the text of your image. It is often that some websites will use an image from your site and then link your site as well when a user clicks on the image. As a result, when the Alt-text accurately describes the context of an image, your website’s ranking will gradually improve. This is particularly true in the case of your text including a keyword.

Authority of Linking Domains

As discussed previously, linking domains play an important role in your site’s ranking and domain authority. Moreover, Google also considers the authority of the linking domains. What this means is the sites that happen to be experts in the field will tend to hold more value and weight as compared to others. Additionally, pages like ‘Hubs’ that happen to hold more information and are top sources will be given more weight as compared to other smaller sites. Therefore, the authority and reliability of the domains that link to your site are also valued to determine the reliability and authority of your website, helping it improve the ranking.

Competitor Links

If your website has domains from the same SERP linking to your site, this could be more valuable as compared to other less relevant sites. When websites related to yours are linked to your site, it helps Google understand the content on your page, which ultimately improves its ranking. Furthermore, when competitors link your site, it demonstrates Google the authority of your website. Therefore, if your site receives backlinks from sites that are related to your niche in the industry, it will comparatively make a bigger positive impact than other random sites.

Linking Content Quality

On one hand, where the overall domain quality of the linking site is important, the quality of the content in which your link appears also has a huge impact on the rank of your site. Pages that happen to contain content of more than 500 words are considered high-quality than shorter content. Content that is less than 300 words is considered low quality and will not help improve search rankings that much. Additionally, well-written content will more of an impact as compared to poorly written content. Therefore, the page which consists of content including high-quality backlinks will have a bigger positive impact on your site’s ranking.

Location of Link

Most people tend to ignore this factor. The link location also has a fair share in helping you improve your site’s ranking. Links that are included within text carry more weight as compared to links mentioned in the sidebar or footer. Similarly, the links that appear higher on the page will have more weight than lower links. Even though backlinks help improve your website’s ranking but their optimal location has an even better impact.

Linking Domain Age

The age of the linking domain is also valued by Google. It creates an impact on the SEO of your website. This helps Google value and rank them accordingly. For instance, older domains tend to be comparatively powerful than newer ones because they are trustworthy have been around for a while. Therefore, backlinks from domains that are older will help you improve your site’s ranking as well.

Final Word

Concluding, it is guaranteed that high-quality backlinks will affect your domain authority. The key lies in attracting traffic and gradually improving the ranking, not to forget reliability. Most often, people tend to use shady tactics to improve their domain authority and Google rankings. Such techniques work for a while but in the long-run land you in trouble. Therefore, start it right to end it the right way.