Social Media Video Tips

One of the best ways to market your content on social media is through social media videos. Since social platforms began to fill with advertising content and ads, reaching social platforms and connecting with viewers has become much more difficult.

According to, the global forecast for social media platforms in 2019 is estimated at $39 billion. The company is already starting to understand this, and many people are using social media platforms to their advantage.

However, some videos make it much easier. The videos are optimized for mobile devices, they are easy to watch, and generally yield more results than other social media options. Social media videos have many elements including subtitles, length, details, and sound. You can convey a lot of information in seconds. You can use it to present your team, show your product or service in action, and answer frequently asked questions directly. In return, you get a loyal and committed consumer base and an overall better relationship with your customers.

In this article, we will learn more about video content on social media. We’ll also give you a few helpful tips to increase your social media video’s potential ROI in 2021.

Benefits of Video Content

Video isn’t a new tool, but its popularity is growing rapidly. Here’s a comprehensive list of all the benefits of using video in your social media marketing campaigns.

1. Cost-effective

One of the most important misconceptions about the video is cost. If your budget is a barrier, you can choose user-generated content. Simply upload a video of a product or service created by a customer or subscriber. So, not only can you increase the amount of video content without increasing the load, you can connect with your customers.

You can customize the video and use it for other purposes as well. Longer videos can be customized to focus on a specific post or converted into a blog post by translating text. This way, you have content that lasts for months.

2. More Engaging

Video content is more engaging as compared to simple content. To be successful these days, you have to go beyond simply selling a service or product. Your target audience also wants to know what your value is. They want to know the brand’s history and the people behind the product. It is difficult to achieve if you rely only on images or text.

3. Makes a Great Exposure

Not only do users have a soft spot on the video, but they also tend to perform better on most algorithms. Algorithms tend to prioritize content that users interact with longer. As a result, it will help your brand to be more exposed by marketing to more potential customers.

You can even take it a step further and watermark your videos with your logo. This allows you to build trust, strengthen your brand identity, increase brand awareness, and ultimately get the additional advertising you receive.

4. Improves Conversion

People generally find video content more interesting than large text, so your audience can stay on social media pages longer. The trick is to make the video the right length. It should be long enough to get your audience’s attention, but make them look for more. Instagram and Twitter are more suitable for short videos, while longer clips are more targeted to YouTube and Facebook.

7 Social Media Video Tips You Should Know

1. Plan your Video Marketing strategy ahead of time

First, you have to plan your social media marketing or video marketing strategy ahead of time. Planning is important to make a good story, so you need to prioritize it right now. Planning your video marketing strategy ahead of time can help you develop effective content and make your campaigns even more successful.

What exactly is involved in the planning stage?Audience surveys, brainstorming, content planning, and budget allocation. Creating a high-quality video isn’t an easy task, but it’s a lot easier with a plan. A good example of a well-planned strategy is the Swiss-American company’s Click Drive.

The company picks its dreams for women on Facebook and sends them to their loved ones in short video ads. As a result, more than 3,000 girls shared their club, and 89% of boys visited the site.

2. Tell the Audience Interesting Stories

Mental storytelling that evokes strong emotions is at the heart of every successful video on social media. Stories are important because they evoke deep emotions in people, and that’s what you want to do with your audience.

Researcher Paul J. Zach wrote an article in Harvard Business Review entitled “Why Your Brain Loves Good Storytelling?” This column explains that big stories deliver oxytocin. “That’s exactly what you need to do. Strive for your followers. When you build a strong bond with your audience, everything else happens naturally.

If you want to get great results from your video, write a story. Good storytelling takes your videos to the next level and gives your brand better results.

3. Focus on the Quality of Social Media Videos

Quality is more important than quantity and is no different in terms of social media and video. As mentioned earlier, catching your audience’s attention is very important, but maintaining it is even more important. You want people to watch your video as a whole, and the only way to do that is to create a social media video full of high-quality content.

For video, the main rule is quality over quantity. It’s important to focus on this step as things like virus outbreaks don’t happen with low-quality videos. And we’re not just talking about video quality (1080p), we’re talking about global messages like storytelling, humor, and purpose.

4. Keep Video Content Short

This fits perfectly with the section above. Getting rid of all unnecessary parts quickly is the first step in a high-quality video. In a low-scope environment, it’s important to fill your video with only relevant and interesting content without placeholders.

Face it-most people don’t have time to watch a 20-minute video on social media. It is necessary for short and quick information and can be studied in more detail if necessary. That’s why videos should only be used as bait’ to grab attention, share messages, and grab viewers’ attention.

5. Include a call to action

The final tip for success on social media is to include a call to action. Social media is designed to generate conversions, but many brands still fail at this simple step. A good video is pointless without a strong call to action that will help you achieve your business goals. Currency shouldn’t be too sales-based, it should drive prospects into conversions.

After someone sees your amazing video they crave the map. They want to know what to do and where to go next and you have to give them the correct answer.

6. Get Help from Templates

Just as there are various solutions that offer stock video footage, there are tools that bring professional looking themes and templates. These are ready to use, making it easy to create awesome videos that make your audience stick. And there are templates for just about any video, whether it’s a short one to share in an Instagram story or an explainer video that you’d like to post on LinkedIn.

Plus, you can customize the templates to infuse the look and feel of your brand. Two tools that are a hit with social media marketers and managers are Biteable and Both of them include various cool templates. And the templates are categorized for industries like restaurants, fashion, art, culture, travel and more.

7. Edit, Edit, Edit

Don’t make the mistake of uploading your footage raw. The audience wants to see nicely edited video. Make sure to edit – it also gives you a chance to add subtitles for an international audience, include overlay audio and other graphics, among other elements.

You can edit the video in a professional editing tool. Then, you can use the social media platform’s own editing suite to make further edits. Or just do the later if you can do with basic editing. Apps like TikTok allow you to add effects and music that entice the audience to click and share.

Remember that people decide whether to watch a video by looking at the first few seconds of a video, so make sure your videos are edited to impress them quickly.


Video content is powerful and can be used to grow any business today. Customers want more personal interactions with the brands they choose to support; with video, everything becomes a lot easier to engage audiences and convert faster.

As marketing has shifted from product sales opportunities to provide valuable information. If you want to drive sales every time you share your content, your audience will stop paying attention to it. Thus, video allows customers to learn about brands and products first and get practical advice without incurring any cost. After all, everyone loves good stories, and videos are great storytellers.