How to Use Keywords Strategically on social media

In structuring online relationships, keywords are crucial, acting as the basis of successful digital communication. In the digital world, keywords serve as the user’s compass to navigate the huge sea of information. They are the search phrases people use to find information, advice, or goods, allowing search engines to provide pertinent results. Additionally, keywords are crucial in defining the substance of content and guaranteeing that it is in line with user intent and purpose. Keywords serve as significant assets in the field of search engine optimization (SEO), enabling website owners to enhance their content for exposure and interaction. Beyond SEO, keyword research reveals priceless information about the tastes and attitudes of the audience, supporting a strong content strategy. Businesses may not only attract the attention of their target audience by incorporating these crucial components into the fabric of their online presence but also foster deep relationships in the ever-changing digital landscape.

What are keywords and why are they important?

To put it simply, consumers utilize keywords or key phrases to do internet searches and get the information they require. For instance, if someone wants assistance baking a cake, they may Google “cake baking tips”. The keyword phrase is what they are utilizing in this search.

Additionally, keywords aid in defining the subject matter of your work. Additionally, by properly utilizing them, you can ensure that you appear in the appropriate search results and draw in the correct kind of visitors.

The most prevalent application of keywords is in SEO, when website owners employ a particular target term to improve their content. Depending on the subject and content of the website, each webpage could have a distinct target keyword.

The copy on your website, the meta tags, the product descriptions, the blog articles, the social media postings, the picture alt text, and other areas are normally where you employ keywords. Because it makes it easier for search engine crawlers to grasp the content of your web pages, this increases your chances of being found in search results.

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The uses and benefits of keyword research

Although keyword research is an essential component of every SEO plan, it also serves many other purposes. Here are a few of the main arguments in favor of learning how to conduct keyword research.

It helps you understand your audience

The process of finding the search phrases that your audience uses is known as keyword research. You may learn more about your target market, their needs, and the qualities they want in a good or service by observing the phrases people use while searching.

These insights will enable you to focus on a more specific segment of your target market and create personas for them based on their motivations. Additionally, you ought to be able to comprehend how to better satisfy their demands.

It can strengthen your content strategy

You may determine what subjects in your industry people are most interested in using keyword research. You can use this to boost your content strategy by developing content ideas that will interest them and meet their demands.

For instance, the top search results for “social media marketing” might offer you an indication of the subjects that are trending in the market. As you can see, the recommended related questions also assist you in understanding the kind of information that the majority of people are looking for. You may come up with content ideas that will appeal to your audience by combining these concepts.

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It helps you measure brand sentiment

You may learn some of the most popular search phrases people are using to get information about your business by doing keyword research utilizing branded keywords.

Additionally, you may search social media using branded keywords to see what others are saying about your business. These search results might help you get a broad sense of how people feel about your company.

It helps you monitor your competitors

You may perform branded keyword research on your rivals in the same way that you would for your brand. This is a great method to learn more about what search terms they are showing up for, what others are saying about them, and other information. Researching keywords might help you be more specific about where they stand and how you stack up against them.

How to do keyword research

Knowing how significant keywords may be, let us learn how to conduct keyword research for social media posts, blogs, and more in addition to SEO.

The basics

The fundamental procedures for doing keyword research for different marketing strategies and channels may differ somewhat, but they largely stay the same. Let us look at the fundamental procedures for conducting keyword research:

Make a list of relevant topics

A list of themes that are generally important to your business is the first step in the process. What initial thoughts spring to mind when you consider your company or sector? For instance, if you work in digital marketing, your themes may be:

  • SEO
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Blogging
  • Inbound marketing

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Get keyword suggestions from Google

Now enter those keywords into Google and list the suggested terms to create a more comprehensive keyword list.

Discover related searches

The “searches related to…” section at the bottom of the page has other keywords you may add to this list. The popular keywords that are closely linked to the search phrase you are using are displayed to you in this area. This is one of the keyword research hints you may utilize to generate interesting content ideas since it reveals more relevant search phrases that people are using.

Filter your keyword list

Although you have an inkling that certain phrases are well-liked and pertinent, you lack quantitative evidence to support this. To locate terms that will truly produce results, you must now reduce your list. In this stage, keyword research instruments like the Google Keyword Planner are used. To utilize this tool, you will need an AdWords account.

The tool will give you estimates for search volumes and traffic for each of the terms in your list when you enter them. You can estimate the number of clicks and impressions you may expect from each search keyword.

You can also see the average monthly searches made for each term under “Keyword Ideas” as well as how competitive the phrase is. This is crucial for organic SEO campaigns as it informs you of the size of the potential market for a certain term.

Combining all of the information, you should aim for keywords with high average monthly searches, impressions, and clicks coupled with medium to low competition. The normal SEO keyword research method would finish here.

You must take cost and CPC into account while performing keyword research for PPC ads. You may have noticed that the cost of keywords with a lot of clicks and impressions is likewise rather expensive. The objective is to select keywords that will fit inside your advertising budget but yet get plenty of clicks. Targeting a phrase with a higher volume but a narrower or more general audience may sometimes be necessary to attract clients who are more eager to convert.

a person using MacBook Pro on a table

In structuring online relationships, keywords are important, acting as the basis of successful digital communication. In the digital world, keywords serve as the user’s compass to navigate the huge sea of information. They are the search phrases people use to find information, advice, or goods, allowing search engines to provide pertinent results. Businesses may not only attract the attention of their target audience by incorporating essential elements into the fabric of their online presence but also foster deep relationships in the ever-changing digital landscape.

4 useful keyword research tools

There are several keyword research tools available on the market in addition to the Google Keyword Planner tool. While some of these tools are considerably simpler to use than others, some of them can deliver more detailed information.

You may use some of these keyword research tools to uncover keywords for your marketing campaign’s social media marketing and content marketing efforts. Here are a few fantastic choices: – All-round keyword research

One of the greatest Google Keyword Planner alternatives is It has powerful search capabilities that neatly arrange your queries by channel. This makes it the ideal all-purpose keyword research tool for social media, SEO, PPC, and eCommerce.

You may use the tool to perform keyword research for popular search engines like Google and Bing. You may obtain information about each keyword’s search volume, search trends, level of competition, and cost per click. Use this to find keywords for your SEO and PPC campaigns.

Additionally, you may research well-liked Twitter and Instagram keywords and improve the exposure of your social media postings. Another helpful tool for making video titles that will appear prominently in YouTube searches is the keyword search option.

In addition to this, offers eCommerce marketers search capabilities for Amazon and eBay as well as a Play Store search function for app store optimization.

Even the most frequently asked queries about your selected keyword are displayed in the tool’s Pro edition. This tool is quite helpful for learning how to do keyword research for a blog since it gives you subject and long-tail keyword possibilities.

Moz Keyword Explore – For SEO keyword research + competitor research

This is one of the most complete free keyword research tools. It provides you with keyword ideas and aids in the discovery of ranking keywords in addition to keyword performance information.

For each specific keyword search, you can examine the monthly search volume, amount of difficulty, organic CTR, and priority level. This detailed information is ideal for helping you choose the most effective target keywords for your ads.

For competitor research, the ranking keywords discovery tool is also useful. You might want to figure out how to uncover keywords on a website so you can see what keywords your rivals are using and where they are ranking. In the explorer, just type in their URL. Additionally, the tool will provide you with a thorough breakdown of the terms that their website is ranking for.

From here, you can also examine their keyword rankings, the difficulty of ranking, and the number of monthly searches.

BuzzSumo – Keyword research for blogs + social media

BuzzSumo is a well-known content research tool that you can also use to find keywords for blogs and social media. It might not always provide you with keyword suggestions, but it might give you some valuable information to support your content strategy.

Using one of the terms from your list, do a BuzzSumo search. This will assist you in learning about the best-performing keyword-related content themes. The number of connections, interactions, and social media shares may give you a sense of how well-liked a subject is. You should be able to use this to choose the keywords and subjects to focus on for your blog posts and social media updates.

Another important aspect to consider while learning how to conduct keyword research for a blog is the evergreen score. It aids in your understanding of the long-term financial viability of the subject. As a result, it will be a lot simpler for you to decide whether it is worthwhile for you to put in the time and effort.

Sprout Social – For social media and brand listening

The social media listening tool provided by Sprout is also a useful tool for conducting keyword research. You may create listening queries using it to make it simple to find discussions that are pertinent to your business and goods. This not only aids in brand listening efforts but also in helping you comprehend hot subjects in which you may engage through pertinent social media postings.

The trending themes and hashtags that are pertinent to your business, rivals, and industry are further condensed in the trends report. These will work well as hashtags for your social media postings since they can increase their exposure.

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Anatomy of a Social Media Keyword Strategy

The keywords on your website function similarly to those on social media. For instance, if you create a blog post for your plumbing company’s website, it must have pertinent keywords like “plumber” otherwise Google will not understand that your material is relevant to related search queries. By including keywords in your social media material, you may increase exposure, broaden your audience, and increase traffic to all of your different digital domains.

For social media keyword utilization, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach, so you will need to develop unique strategies that take into account variations in user behavior. In light of this, here are some recommendations for utilizing keywords on some of the most well-liked social media sites.


Businesses may segment their Facebook audiences at a very fine level. Make use of this to your benefit. Utilize very specific keywords to learn about the interests and priorities of various audiences.


A tweet has an 18-minute shelf life. On Twitter, things move quickly, so your keywords should too. Utilize the erratic newsfeed by often updating your database to find the phrases and hashtags that connect with your audience the most.


Instagram’s ability to target users based on their location is one of its key advantages. Posting at the right times for your audience and geotargeting your keywords can increase engagement on posts by 79%. Using specialized keywords for certain cities, states, or regions will increase interaction.


YouTube recommends material with Google’s algorithm. User-generated topics will appear when you type the words or phrases of your target audience into the search field. Adapt your content to appeal to these audience interests.


You may use Pinterest’s search box, like YouTube’s, to find out what is popular in a certain topic area, but keep in mind that trends there shift just as quickly as they do on Twitter. Utilize this platform to identify the user-generated subjects that are, at any given time, pertinent to your business.


On LinkedIn, conversations are exactly that—conversations. As a result, in this channel, social messages frequently fail to capitalize on keywords that are successful in search engines. Making sure that your articles and keywords are relevant to the goods and services offered by your company is the solution.

Keep in mind that a combination of keyword utilization and content production is necessary for social media success. Putting money into one without the other will not provide results. Use this approach as a starting point to come up with keywords that are appropriate for your audience on each channel, but do not forget to spend a lot of time and money developing content that is both useful and appropriate for those keywords.


The digital universe’s navigational stars, and keywords direct users to the information and services they seek. Keywords may improve exposure, engagement, and strategy in addition to helping search engines comprehend the material. Even while they are essential to SEO, their influence also extends to audience analytics, content optimization, and competitor analysis, creating a comprehensive digital toolset. With the use of keywords, companies can interpret user feelings, monitor trends, and enhance interactions, paving the way for targeted success in the ever-changing online environment.